Nesta actividade, colaboración co Proxecta: Proxecto de Vida Saudable e Deportiva, animouse ao alumnado de 3º e 4º da ESO a seguir unhas pistas polo centro que tiñan preguntas de distinto tipo, pero as cales estaban todas relacionadas co contido gramatical e léxico visto durante todo o curso da materia de inglés.
Cada clase participou nesta actividade na súa hora semanal da materia de inglés na que teñen clase co auxiliar de conversa e saiuse da clase de referencia para buscar pistas por todo o centro.
Dividiuse a clase en grupos de tres e catro persoas, segundo permitían o número de alumnado en cada clase e deuselles a cada grupo unha pista diferente, para empezar en puntos diferentes. Tamén se lles repartiu unha ficha de respostas onde tiñan que anotar as solucións ás preguntas. Despois de que recibiran a primeira pista que lles indicaba a qué parte do centro se tiñan que dirixir, alí logo de buscar o papel coa pregunta e respondela na ficha de respostas, tiñan tamén unha pista que lles dicía a onde se tiñan que dirixir despois. Así recorreron todo o centro buscando as pistas e respondendo as preguntas ata que chegaban ó punto de partida.
Cada resposta correcta recibía unha puntuación e os que máis rápido remataban a tarefa tamén recibían puntos a maiores. Isto animaba ó alumnado a respostar correctamente ás preguntas ó igual que lles facía estar involucrados na tarefa, xa que competían coas compañeiras e compañeiros tamén en rapidez. O grupo gañador gañaba un cofre cun premio, a modo de reforzo positivo, que podían repartir co resto do alumnado. Con esta tarefa o alumnado abandonou a súa clase de referencia, facendo actividade física e poñendo a proba ao mesmo tempo os seus coñecementos da materia.
This class activity, connected with "Proxecta: Healthy and Sporty life", encouraged the students of 3rd and 4th of Secondary to follow clues around the school. premises These clues had also questions of different nature, but they all were related with the grammatical and lexical content acquired during the whole school year. Each class participated in this activity during their normal weekly English session with the conversational assistant, and they left their classroom of reference to look for the clues around the entire school building.
This class activity, connected with "Proxecta: Healthy and Sporty life", encouraged the students of 3rd and 4th of Secondary to follow clues around the school. premises These clues had also questions of different nature, but they all were related with the grammatical and lexical content acquired during the whole school year. Each class participated in this activity during their normal weekly English session with the conversational assistant, and they left their classroom of reference to look for the clues around the entire school building.
The class has been divided in groups of three or four students, depending on the number of students in each class. Each group was given a different clue, to start at different points of the hunt. An answer sheet was given out to each group of students, where they had to write down the answers to the questions made in the different clues. After receiving the first clue in the classroom, which lead them to their first question that was hidden in the school building, they had to answer the question on their answer sheet and get to the next question with the help of the next clue given at the same place where the question was. This is how they got around the entire school premises, looking for the questions and clues, answering the clues, until they got to their starting point.
Each correct answer received a certain amount of points and the groups that finished the task first also received extra points for their speed. This encouraged students to answer the questions correctly, as well as being motivated to finish fast, as they were competing with their classmates in speed. The winning team won a treasure chest filled with a prize, in order to give positive reinforcement, which they could share with their classmates. This task encouraged the students to leave their normal set of learning environment and they did Physical Education at the same time that they could test their own capabilities and knowledge of the content of this subject studied during the entire school year.
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